Leandro Losada is Researcher of the State Council for Research of Argentina (CONICET) and Director of the Institute for Political Research (CONICET-UNSAM). He is also a former Wallace Fellow at the Harvard University Centre for Italian Renaissance Studies. He is the author of Maquiavelo en la Argentina. Usos y lecturas, 1830-1940 [Machiavelli in Argentina. Uses and readings, 1830-1940]. Katz Editores, Buenos Aires, 2019, > [Politics and public life. Argentina, 1930-1943]. Imago Mundi, Buenos Aires, 2017 and Marcelo T. de Alvear. Revolucionario, presidente y líder republicano [Marcelo T. de Alvear. Revolutionary, president and republican leader]. Edhasa, Buenos Aires, 2016. This will be his first English-language monograph.