This delightful volume is the perfect companion to Henry Steiner's The Place Names of Historic Sleepy Hollow & Tarrytown. From the legend of Sleepy Hollow to the capture of John André (Benedict Arnold's co-conspirator); and from the first Dutch settlement to the American Revolution, these charming villages have been the scene of historical drama, both real and fictional. Attractive illustrations of mansions and monuments complement the narrative which includes the life and customs of early settlers; prosperous businessman Vredryk Flypse's "castle;" the story of the Old Dutch Church and an account of all of its ministers; "Sunnyside," the home of Washington Irving; legends of the area; old sites and highways; Tarrytown in war times; and a contemporary description of Tarrytown. This volume also includes a thrilling account of the capture of the traitor John André and a map of the two villages. An index to names, places and subjects completes this work.