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Comprehensive Index to ASM Handbooks, 3rd Edition (International, ASM)
Comprehensive Index to ASM Handbooks, 3rd Edition
Autor International, ASM
Verlag ASM International
Sprache Englisch
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
Seiten 967 S.
Artikelnummer 23379038
ISBN 978-1-61503-828-2
Auflage Third Edition
Reihe ASM Handbooks
Sonstiges General (US: Trade)
CHF 421.90
Nicht mehr im Sortiment/Fremdlagersortiment
This handy index eliminates the need to search through multiple back-of-the-book indexes to find where a subject is addressed. The comprehensive A-to-Z listing will help users find important handbook content in volumes where they may not have thought to look. This volume is a composite of all of the indexes in the complete 26-volume series, from Volume 1 through 22B.