Four years after the events of Treadwell, A Novel of Alaska Territory, we return to the lives of the inhabitants of Gastineau Channel. A new president with a mostly corrupt administration rules the land. Prohibition quickly becomes the most broken law ever enacted and its tentacles are far-reaching.August and Florence Lepke discover a genius in the family at the same time August questions his professional fiber. George and Julia Mak-we are raising a Tlingit warrior. Willy Ayamo intrudes into his nephew, Begay Santos' life in a most interesting way. Fiona Malone must come to terms with decisions too easily made. James and Amanda Thistle provide support for more than the derelicts of South Front Street.Bootleggers vie for control of illegal commerce and firearms are for more than show.Enter Cashmere Lavaca, a woman of color, who flees fear only to face it in Alaska Territory. Dude Terrell comes north to peruse a life of crime only to become involved in more than he imagined. Terry Turner escapes a ship full of prejudice only to find it alive and flourishing in Juneau. Both men are veterans of the Great War and bear the mental scars.Enos Proctor, a man with all the answers, becomes a catalyst for many lives, including the President of the United States.Life continues on Gastineau Channel...