The story begins in the year of 1862 with Jack MacLeod as a young naïve teenager growing up on a family farm in Louisiana. The War Between the States is in full swing and his two elder brothers while fighting for the Confederate Army, are killed.
A tragedy occurs, resulting in both his parents being killed. This leaves Jack all alone with no other kinfolk to call on. He, with only the clothes he stands up in and Flopears, his faithful mule, sets off on a journey of adventure.
In desperation, he turns to bounty hunting and before long had earned himself a reputation as a bloodthirsty assassin. He teams up with an elder man who proves to be a bit of a rapscallion --- though an honest rapscallion. Together they endure the trials and tribulations of the untamed West.
Arizona, Texas and later, Mexico feature in their travels. The town of El Paso figures prominently in their encounters with the lawless breed and cold-blooded gunslingers of the Wild West.
Both Jack MacLeod and his 'loveable rogue' partner become involved with females from different walks of life, but not everyone ends up living happily ever after --- as like so many fairy tales.