Brenda Ann Dudley was born in Washington, DC on April 1, 1956, (April Fool's Day). Her mother had 11 children with Brenda being the middle child. She was born left-handed, breached (upside down) and her initials spell the word BAD, which became her nickname. Brenda missed most of her school years as a child because at the age of five, she spent most of her life in the streets of Washington. Yet she had a loving home where her mother tried to give her best but Brenda followed the patterns of one of her older sisters playing hooky from school. They would be seen on the steps of the Capital Of The United States, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memoriam, varies other public buildings and inside of the National Museums of Art. Brenda felt a sense of belonging, and safety about those places. Playing hooky from school and hanging in the streets eventually lead Brenda to jail, where she spent most of her young adult years and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Brenda was incarcerated in Alderson West Virginia Reformatory and was transferred to Lexington, Kentucky and back to Alderson again until she grew up. Brenda has experienced many miracles. Receiving her G.E.D. and two college degrees were just a few. She overcame the bad habits of drinking, drugs, cigarette smoking and criminal activity. She was diagnosed with cancer and has had both breast removed. She has been enduring many hardships throughout her life yet she can always give someone an ear, a smile, and a word or sight or encouragement. She is a home and land owner, a poet, a singer, and an inspiring Masterpiece Artist living in Maryland.