The human has always prided himself as an exceptional 'moral species' but has always been haunted by two questions: 'Why am I not good when I want to be'; 'Why do I do bad when I don't want to'. This is at the heart of what scriptures and sages have long alluded to as the eternal internal struggle-between good and evil-that wages in the human consciousness. The book posits that much of our confusion and angst stems from our inability to recognize the ramifications of this 'war' between two sides of our own 'self'. It is because we are ignoring this war that we are losing all other wars of the world. That 'ignorance' is the primary source of all the horrors, malevolence and violence that fill us with so much dread. But a 'favorable' outcome is possible only if the forces of goodness are aided to get an upper hand consistently-and that calls for two cathartic changes: consciousness-change by inducing a turn from the mind to the heart; and contextual-change, by radically reconstructing the roles of morality, money, and mortality in our everyday lives. The book offers a menu of insights and options we all can use to tilt the scales in the war waging inside each of us.