This brand new guide answers one of the most frequently asked tax planning questions: "What can I get my company to pay for?"
Putting It Through the Company answers this question by examining the rules for dozens of different tax deductions, including:
- Directors expenses (travel and subsistence, entertainment, fees and subscriptions, home office costs etc)
- The most tax-efficient way to pay yourself salary, dividends, and other income this year
- Employing your children and other family members
- Over 30 tax-efficient benefits the company can provide to you and your employees
- Tax relief for capital spending on equipment, computers, furniture, you name it. There's a dazzling array of allowances available at the moment
- Motoring costs - the tax savings are astounding for company vans and electric cars
- What you can claim if you work from home
- Property costs you can put through the company
- Plus lots and lots more: things like waiting room sofas, TVs, vacuum cleaners, fridges, coffee machines, advertising and sponsorship, website and internet costs...
The guide focuses on some of the less obvious stuff and provides a plain English guide to the rule that lies at the heart of nearly all business deductions: they must be "incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the business".
It also looks at the issue of recovering VAT on company expenses.