Zwischen und
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Under a Maple Tree (Sharma, Jagjeet)
Under a Maple Tree
Autor Sharma, Jagjeet
Verlag Broken Keys Publishing
Sprache Englisch
Mediaform Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Artikelnummer 44642951
ISBN 978-1-988253-52-7
Plattform EPUB
Kopierschutz DRM Adobe
CHF 3.00

Under a Maple Tree is a mixed and random collection of poetry, a byproduct of the Covid-19 pandemic; sometimes its cure worse than the disease, causing devastation and destruction, leaving our lives in the wake of division and a pendulum of emotions.

Once a peaceful country, post-Covid Canada has found itself in a conundrum of incongruities and divisions, its very unity and stability in question; socially, politically, and economically.

A random collection of social and political discourse put in poetic form - a reflection of our times - the news stories of 2022 - Covid-19 - the truckers convoy - the neglect and abuse of our elders in our long term care facilities - the horrific findings of our residential schools. This collection is a continuation of the author's journey and journalistic poetry.

And as we exit this pandemic as a society, as we begin collecting our wits, as the shell shock abates and healing can slowly commence, Under a Maple Tree is the beginning of this journey, a time when we can begin to digest and reflect upon these past tumultuous years.

Jagjeet Sharma is a freelance journalist, poet and author. She hosts a weekly radio show in Ottawa along with her team of dedicated volunteers on CKCU 93.1fm.

She has three collections of poems to her credit. Nature's Subtle Seductions, published 2018; Fragments, published 2019. Raindrops, her third collection was launched in June 2020.

COVID 19 Chronicles - Reflections on the 2020 pandemic was published in November 2020. This anthology, a limited edition, was launched in December 2020. It was initiated by the Ottawa Ethnic Media Forum (OEMF) with support from the Media Club of Ottawa. COVID 19 Chronicles Part 2- Road to Recovery anthology was published December 2021.

Jagjeet has contributed to several publications, the Ottawa Independent Writers' anthology, "Short stories for a long year," 2020; "Ottawa Rising," 2022; Broken Keys Publishing anthology, Love & Catastrophe Poetre, 2021; the Glebe Report (Ottawa); Apt 613, and The Canadian Literature: A quarterly of Criticism and Review. Jagjeet is also one of the judges on the Bywords poetry selection committee.

She is an Ottawa Independent Writers' (OIW) ex-board member; a member of the North Grenville Writers' Circle; a founding member of the Ottawa Ethnic Media Forum, and a member of the Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA). She won the CEMA award for journalistic excellence 2021 in the print category.

She is currently working on a collection of short stories, another collection of poems, COVID-19 Part 3 anthology, and other projects.