Do you know a young man who could use Godly encouragement alongside a trusted adult? Do you want to teach your young adult about God but don't know where to start? Then Questing for God authored by Forrest Theiss is the tool that can help.
As a young child, Forrest Theiss grew up in the Catholic church. By the time he was a tween, however, his parents were divorced and stopped going. He understands the hardships of maturing in a chaotic world without the consistent spiritual guidance of a trusted adult.
Therefore, Questing for God turns young men and their trusted adults into spiritual knights. Together they will go on an 11-week adventure of growing trust and communication with each other and God. Communication will be fostered and Godly knowledge gained on both introductory and mature topics like:
• Knowing where to get trusted information (Bible)
• Discernment
• Romantic relationships
By the end of this 62-page devotional adventure, your young man will have valuable tools to help them navigate adult life.