I nattens kjole falder de tabte valg, hvor lys og skygger danser den vindende dans. Ubarmhjertighedens klarhed lader nattens lysende skygge afsløre både glædens flygtighed og sorgens dybde.
+40 years of experience in teaching and coaching individuals and groups from everything on a personal level to international seminars(USA, England, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Japan). Co-founder of conflict management system Street-Sence. Terje has an international background growing up in Canada, Norway and Denmark. He now resides in Denmark, Aarhus (Called the City of Smiles) and teaches in conflict management, coaches and currently practices the martial art called Arnis. Terje loves to teach and help students and co-workers achieve their goals. On a personal level he likes to travel and experience new things. Besides this he also loves reading and writing non-fiction and fiction alike.