In this contemporary coming-of-age YA novel, a teenage girl navigates a romance with an older boy when they're cast as the leading roles in their school's production of Romeo and Juliet.
In this contemporary coming-of-age YA novel, a teenage girl navigates a romance with an older boy when they're cast as the leading roles in their school's production of Romeo and Juliet.
When Brooke and Matt are cast as romantic leads in their school's theatre performance of Romeo and Juliet, they don't mean to actually fall in love. Secrets and lies seem a small price for Brooke to pay for a relationship with an older guy, until they take their relationship to the next level one night in an empty auditorium. After she learns of the illegality of Matt's actions, Brooke's anxiety reaches breaking point and she makes a decision that changes her life forever.
Years later, Matt is reunited with Brooke, desperately seeking redemption. But what sense can they make now of a love that never did run smoothly?
Exploring mental health, co-dependency, and the blurred lines of sexual consent, this captivating debut recounts a young woman's journey to independence as she strays beyond all she has ever known to confront her traumatic past.