The Tales of Majestica' is Tanya Vandepoorter's latest collection of fairytales.
Majestica is an island of magical beings, ruled over by the magnificent Brahmes ? the only black unicorn to have ever existed. Granny, The Elf King and all the fairy folk who fly, crawl, swim, walk and occasionally knock seven bells out of each other, live there in chaotic but glorious harmony.
These stories appeal to adults and children alike, and are told with humour, compassion, whimsy, and fantasy - laced with a dollop of the ridiculous. They are illustrated by Tanya's dear friend and renowned artist Diane Dicker. The stories tell of everyday life, and of the worries faced by children since time began (plus a few 'new age' ones).
Tanya's years spent working with a child coach have also enabled her to share some of the strategies and insights learned from him, which let's face it, every parent wished they knew when they first realised parenting was not all Enid Blyton and golden retrievers, but more like being spun around in a giant's rucksack for a week and then sat on.
Welcome to Majestica. Where fairytales are not just for children, but for the child within us all.