On New Years Eve in 1999, Micky 'Thunder', a notorious, debauched rock star hosted a massive party attended by hordes of revellers, including four overnight guests who attended university with him in the 80's. They had been bound together with sadistic sexual yearnings, that were only satisfied by the formation of the 'Chess Club' where 'games' were played every week for a year, games that needed human 'pawns' to manipulate and torture. At midnight when Thunder was blown apart by an apparently rogue firework, the world and especially his four cronies were shocked to later find out that the 'accident' had been deliberate deemed to be murder by the authorities. His house guests had always suspected that after playing an evil trick on Thunder, he was responsible for grave misfortunes that the four of them had individually suffered in the past, but now, terror-stricken they realised they were all victims in another deadly game, this time one of revenge. They knew why, the question on all their lips now was-who?