Kafka, Franz / Austen, Jane / Eschenbach, Wolfram Von / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von / Kleist, Heinrich Von / Hölderlin, Friedrich / Fontane, Theodor / Freytag, Gustav / Keller, Gottfried / Storm, Theodor / Zweig, Stefan / Shelley, Mary / Eichendorff, Joseph Von / Mann, Klaus / Rilke, Rainer Maria / Spyri, Johanna / Roth, Joseph / May, Karl / Musil, Robert / Mann, Heinrich / Freud, Sigmund / Nietzsche, Friedrich / Brontë, Emily / Alighieri, Dante / Boccaccio, Giovanni / Casanova, Giacomo / Pirandello, Luigi / Carducci, Giosuè / D'Annunzio, Gabriele / Machiavelli, Niccolo / De Saavedra, Miguel Cervantes / De La Barca, Pedro Calderón / Ibañez, Vicente Blasco / Brontë, Charlotte / Hamsun, Knut / Homer / Äsop / Herodot / Thukydides / Xenophon / Platon / Aristoteles / Sophokles / Euripides / Brontë, Anne / Aristophanes / Laotse / Konfuzius / Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama / Livius, Titus / Tacitus / Cicero, Marcus Tullius / Vergil / Ovid / Lukian / Thackeray, William Makepeace / Petronius / Apuleius / Lesbos, Longos von / Aurel, Mark / Augustinus, Aurelius / Stoker, Bram / Fielding, Henry / Eliot, George / Shakespeare, William / Hugo, Victor / Lawrence, D. H. / Whitman, Walt / Melville, Herman / Wolfe, Thomas / Woolf, Virginia / Conrad, Joseph / Lewis, Sinclair / Carrol, Lewis / Poe, Edgar Allan / Bulwer-Lytton, Edward / Dostojewski, Fjodor Michailowitsch / Wilde, Oscar / Wells, H. G. / Defoe, Daniel / Cooper, James Fenimore / Wallace, Lew / Swift, Jonathan / Stevenson, Robert Louis / Twain, Mark / Scott, Walter / Hawthorne, Nathaniel / Byron, Lord / Stowe, Harriet Beecher / Sterne, Laurence / Burnett, Frances Hodgson / Doyle, Arthur Conan / Collins, Wilkie / Wallace, Edgar / London, Jack / Thoreau, Henry David / Galsworthy, John / Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Leopardi, Giacomo / Kipling, Rudyard / Chesterton, G. K. / Irvin, Washington / Henry, O. / Bierce, Ambrose / Puschkin, Alexander Sergejewitsch / Lermontow, Michail / Turgenew, Iwan Sergejewitsch / Tolstoi, Leo / Gogol, Nikolai / Proust, Marcel / Gontscharow, Iwan / Leskow, Nikolai / Tschechow, Anton Pawlowitsch / Gorki, Maxim / Rabelais, François / De La Fontaine, Jean / Pascal, Blaise / Corneille, Pierre / Moliere / Racine, Jean Baptiste / Ibsen, Henrik / Perrault, Charles / Voltaire / Diderot, Denis / Rousseau, Jean Jacques / de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise Choderlos / Prévost, Antoine-François / De Sade, Marquis / Chateaubriand, François René / Stendhal / de Balzac, Honoré / Shelley, Percy Bysshe / Dumas, Alexandre / De Lamartine, Alphonse / Sand, George / Flaubert, Gustave / Zola, Emile / de Maupassant, Guy / Daudet, Alphonse / Verne, Jules / Huysmans, Joris-Karl / Mérimée, Prosper / Dickens, Charles / Baudelaire, Charles / Mallarmé, Stéphane / Rimbaud, Arthur / Gide, André / Schopenhauer, Arthur / Heine, Heinrich / Schiller, Friedrich / Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Grimm, Jacob / Straßburg, Gottfried von |
CHF 3.00
Bennett, Scott Edward |
CHF 137.00
Tolstoi, Lew / Shelley, Percy Bysshe / Dickens, Charles / Austen, Jane / Shelley, Mary / Brontë, Emily / Brontë, Charlotte / Brontë, Anne / Thackeray, William Makepeace / Stoker, Bram / Fielding, Henry / Woolf, Virginia / Eliot, George / Shakespeare, William / Lawrence, D. H. / Whitman, Walt / Melville, Herman / Wolfe, Thomas / Conrad, Joseph / Lewis, Sinclair / Carrol, Lewis / Poe, Edgar Allan / Ibsen, Henrik / Bulwer-Lytton, Edward / Wilde, Oscar / Wells, H. G. / Defoe, Daniel / Cooper, James Fenimore / Wallace, Lew / Swift, Jonathan / Stevenson, Robert Louis / Twain, Mark / Scott, Walter / Kafka, Franz / Hawthorne, Nathaniel / Stowe, Harriet Beecher / Sterne, Laurence / Burnett, Frances Hodgson / Doyle, Arthur Conan / Collins, Wilkie / Wallace, Edgar / London, Jack / Thoreau, Henry David / Galsworthy, John / Dostojewski, Fjodor Michailowitsch / Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Kipling, Rudyard / Puschkin, Alexander Sergejewitsch / Tolstoi, Leo / Gogol, Nikolai / Baudelaire, Charles / Rimbaud, Arthur / Rostand, Edmond / Giraudoux, Jean / Gide, André / Byron, Lord / Schopenhauer, Arthur / Heine, Heinrich / Schiller, Friedrich / Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Grimm, Jacob / Grimm, Wilhelm / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von / Boccaccio, Giovanni / Pirandello, Luigi / Hugo, Victor / Machiavelli, Niccolo / De Saavedra, Miguel Cervantes / Ibañez, Vicente Blasco / Hamsun, Knut / Nietzsche, Friedrich / Homer / Äsop / Herodot / Thukydides / Xenophon / Leopardi, Giacomo / Platon / Aristoteles / Tacitus / Konfuzius / Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama / Cicero, Marcus Tullius / Vergil / Ovid / Aurel, Mark / Augustinus, Aurelius / Proust, Marcel / Chesterton, G. K. / Straßburg, Gottfried von / Eschenbach, Wolfram Von / Dante Alighieri / Barca, Pedro Calderón De La |
CHF 2.05
Hill, Kasey / Folske, Thomas / Giles, Stewart / Gorshin, Mawr / Hughes, Rhys / Ice, Gail / Keen, Shayne K. / Keesler, Keith / Kelly, Neil / Kincaid, Ezekiel / Lambert, Daniel E. / Maçek, J. C. / Lucas, Tom / Millington, Tony / Morris, Edward / Pesice, Duane / Reti, John / Sanzari, Neil / Satyamurthy, Jayaprakash / Smith, John Claude / Sowder, John / Tamarin, David L / Clark, Thomas R. / Tannahill, Rob / Viane, Emmy / Webb, Don / Williams, Sidney / Colavito, J. Rocky / Corrigan, Melissa Howard / Couturier, Scott J. / Edens, Bert / Erb, Thomas A. / Frei, Jason R |
CHF 3.00
Franklin, Benjamin / Bacon, Francis / Webster, John / Massinger, Philip / Pascal, Blaise / Fielding, Henry / Sterne, Laurence / Austen, Jane / Scott, Walter / Thackeray, William Makepeace / Dickens, Charles / Eliot, George / Milton, John / Hawthorne, Nathaniel / Irving, Washington / Poe, Edgar Allan / Harte, Francis Bret / Clemens, Samuel L. / Hale, Edward Everett / James, Henry / Hugo, Victor / de Balzac, Honoré / Sand, George / Browne, Thomas / De Musset, Alfred / Daudet, Alphonse / de Maupassant, Guy / Keller, Gottfried / Storm, Theodor / Fontane, Theodor / Tolstoy, Leo / Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Turgenev, Ivan / Valera, Juan / Burns, Robert / Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne / Kielland, Alexander L. / Augustine, Saint / Kempis, Thomas á / Aeschylus / Sophocles / Euripides / Aristophanes / Plato / Cicero / Smith, Adam / Younger, Pliny The / Plutarch / Virgil / De Saavedra, Miguel Cervantes / Bunyan, John / Walton, Izaak / Anonymous / Aesop / Shakespeare, William / Brothers, Grimm / Andersen, Hans Christian / Dryden, John / Sheridan, Richard Brinsley / Goldsmith, Oliver / Shelley, Percy Bysshe / Browning, Robert / Byron, Lord / Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Marlowe, Christopher / Emerson, Ralph Waldo / Alighieri, Dante / Manzoni, Alessandro / Classics, Golden Deer / Homer / Jr, Richard Henry Dana / Burke, Edmund / Mill, John Stuart / Carlyle, Thomas / De La Barca, Pedro Calderón / Corneille, Pierre / Darwin, Charles / Racine, Jean / Molière / Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim / Schiller, Friedrich von / Faraday, Michael / Helmholtz, Hermann Von / Kelvin, Lord / Newcomb, Simon / Geikie, Archibald / Cellini, Benvenuto / Woolman, John / De Montaigne, Michel / Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin / Renan, Ernest / Kant, Immanuel / Mazzini, Giuseppe / Herodotus / Tacitus / Nichols, Philiip / Pretty, Francis / Bigges, Walter / Penn, William / Haies, Edward / Raleigh, Walter / Descartes, René / Voltaire / Rousseau, Jean Jacques / Hobbes, Thomas / Froissart, Jean / Malory, Thomas / Malory, Thomas / Harrison, William / Epictetus / Machiavelli, Niccolò / Roper, William / More, Thomas / Luther, Martin / Locke, John / Berkeley, George / Hume, David / Hippocrates / Paré, Ambroise / Harvey, William / Aurelius, Marcus / Jenner, Edward / Holmes, Oliver Wendell / Lister, Joseph / Pasteur, Louis / Lyell, Charles / Confucius / Christian / Dekker, Thomas / Jonson, Ben / Fletcher, Beaumont and / Eliot, Charles (Hrsg.) |
CHF 0.50
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward / Stevenson, Robert Louis / Thackeray, William Makepeace / Fayette, Madame de La / Altsheler, Joseph A. / Galdós, Benito Pérez / Martineau, Harriet / Schreiner, Olive / Dickens, Charles / Wallace, Lew / Sienkiewicz, Henryk / Scott, Walter / Dumas, Alexandre / Crane, Stephen / Hugo, Victor / Cooper, James Fenimore / Tolstoy, Leo / Zola, Émile |
CHF 2.00
Hewlett, Maurice / Bulwer-Lytton, Edward / Weyman, Stanley John / Peacock, Thomas Love / Aguilar, Grace / Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. / Barclay, Florence L. / Orczy, Emma / Ebers, Georg / Weston, Jessie L. / Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich de La / Eschenbach, Wolfram Von / Buchanan, Robert Williams / Malory, Thomas / Holt, Emily Sarah / Stowe, Harriet Beecher / Scott, Walter / Lauder, Thomas Dick / Turnbull, Lawrence |
CHF 2.00
Scott, Walter / Turnbull, Lawrence / Weyman, Stanley John / Peacock, Thomas Love / Aguilar, Grace / Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. / Barclay, Florence L. / Orczy, Emma / Ebers, Georg / Weston, Jessie L. / Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich de La / Bulwer-Lytton, Edward / Hewlett, Maurice / Eschenbach, Wolfram Von / Buchanan, Robert Williams / Malory, Thomas / Holt, Emily Sarah / Stowe, Harriet Beecher / Lauder, Thomas Dick |
CHF 2.00